Contact IPS

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will it cost?
Initial Consultation Fees (2018)
A telephone consultation lasts about 25 minutes and costs £80
A face-to-face or video link consultation lasts 50 minutes and costs £125
This fee includes us finding a therapist for you and writing a summary report to them.

Fees for Therapy
These are agreed with the individual therapist. Typically fees for individual therapy fall in the range £80 to £130 for a 50 minute session. Couple and Family sessions and specialists in premium locations may be more expensive.

Will my Medical Insurance cover the cost of my fees?
If you have medical insurance, please mention this at the initial enquiry. Many IPS therapists are registered service providers with Medical Insurance Companies. Medical Insurers have different criteria and different procedures for deciding whether they will pay for your psychological treatment and for how many sessions. Payment will also depend on the level of cover of your insurance contract.

How long will I have to wait for an appointment?
We aim to offer you an appointment for an initial consultation within a few days. We will then refer you to a suitable therapist who will normally be able to see you within a week or two. We do not have waiting lists.

Do you offer emergency appointments?
IPS is not an emergency psychiatric service. If you are seriously concerned about your own or someone else’s mental health status (for example, if you feel, or think someone else may be feeling suicidal, or is psychotic or in physical danger), you should contact the GP or the Accident and Emergency Department.

Can I see a local therapist?
IPS therapists are based across the London area. Telephone assessments and therapy sessions are available for people living outside the London area.

Can I see a therapist out of office hours?
Many IPS therapists offer early morning or evening appointments. A few offer weekend consultations. There tends to be more pressure on out of hours appointments and you may have a wider choice of therapists if you are able to attend daytime sessions.

How long does therapy last?
We offer short or fixed-term therapy (from 6-20 sessions) and open-ended therapy.

Why should I choose IPS?
There are over 60 therapists in the IPS network, who are highly trained and experienced specialists in a wide range of problems and approaches. By offering an initial assessment consultation, we help you through the difficult process of finding a therapeutic approach and a therapist who will suit both you and your problems. We do not just give you a name from a list, but try to match you with someone you feel able to work with, at a time and place that fits in with your life. There are no waiting lists.